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The Comet Express

The feeling of riding a comet flying through dark space! It is a thrilling, futuristic dark coaster with seats rotating 360 degrees; it will give you one-step advanced excitement compared to the existing roller coasters.

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26 people

Usage information

Height : more than 120cm

Ride Restrictions


pregnant woman

Heart / vascular patient

Disk patient

Please note

- Magic pass (boarding reservation system) is available for use.
- Only guests who have reserved the Comet Express can ride it.
   *Empty Seats First will operate as before.

   All members of party must be present at the time of reservation to make a reservation.
   *1 person can be reserved per person
Category Reservation Time Riding Time
Part1 Start at 10AM 11:00~14:30
Part2 Start at 1PM 14:30~17:00
    * After 17:00, you can ride without reservation

- If so many people in waiting, the ride could be closed early.

Closed Schedule

Currently, all attractions are being operated normally.

※ In case the outside temperature falls to 5 degrees below zero or strong typhoon or heavy rainfall is forecast

Location Information

Left side of Magic Castle

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